In Blogging

The Best Facebook Groups for New Bloggers

The Best Facebook Groups for New Bloggers

As I approach two years of blogging later this year, I can say with assurance that Facebook groups have played the largest role in my success thus far.

They have helped me grow my traffic and social media presence, provided me with guest posting and collaboration opportunities, and even connected me to a mastermind group.

Today I’m going to be sharing with you my favorite Facebook groups for bloggers. Also, I’m going to give you a few tips on how to find additional groups that could work for you.


The Best Facebook Groups for New Bloggers



Women Winning Online

Jennifer Snyder is the host of the Facebook group Women Winning Online, and she is amazing! She has fostered an atmosphere of encouragement and helpfulness in this group, which is especially welcoming for new female bloggers. She does a Facebook Live Q&A in this group every week where she answers all of your questions related to blogging. Jennifer also hosts various threads throughout the week geared towards giving each other feedback, supporting each other on social media, and promoting blog posts.

Jennifer’s main website can also be found here: Also, you may recognize her name from my Resources page where I talk about her course that I love!


Hexagon Connection

This Facebook group is hosted by the illustrious Kimi Kinsey, a graphic designer and entrepreneur with so much wit, it’s ridiculous. Kimi not only hosts daily threads in the group, but is passionate about creating a safe space for bloggers and entrepreneurs to receive feedback and share their wins and losses with each other. If this sounds like it’s up your alley, I highly suggest you give it a try!


Inspired Bloggers Network

Hosted by Tabitha Philen of the blogs Meet Penny and Inspired Bloggers University, the Inspired Bloggers Network Facebook group is full of countless resources for bloggers new and old. One of my favorite new features of the group is that Tabitha is rewarding the most active and supportive members of the group with live blog evaluations, which are usually valued at $99 when on a discount!


Pinterest Group Boards

Group boards are an excellent way to reach the masses on Pinterest. They can bring you lots of exposure and traffic if they are utilized correctly. But sometimes, it can be hard to figure out how to join group boards. That’s where the Pinterest Group Boards Facebook group comes in! Fellow bloggers post here when they have a need for contributors on their boards, and most of the time all you need to do is follow their Pinterest account and leave your Pinterest email in a comment then you’re in!


Bloggers Sharing Links for Roundups

Join this group for opportunities to have your blog post featured in a roundup post by other bloggers. This is a great way to get traffic from other blogs. And, the legitimate links from other websites can also increase your SEO juice! (I know, SEO juice isn’t really a phrase, but I’m using it anyway).



This is another group where you can submit your posts to be featured in roundups.


Instagram Marketing Mastermind

Alex Tooby has become an expert on Instagram Marketing. So it should be no surprise that her targeted Facebook group has become an amazing resource for bloggers and entrepreneurs looking to improve their presence on Instagram. Whether you are looking for generla tips or troubleshooting help, I encourage you to check out this group to see if it could be of help to you!



This group is for WordPress users of all levels to get technical support and trade tips with each other. Merri Dennis is the wonderful host of this group, and she knows her stuff when it comes to WordPress!


Home + DIY Bloggers Biz Chat

The Home + DIY Bloggers Biz Chat group is the only niche-specific group I will be mentioning in this post. I do this to emphasize that niche specific groups can be SO helpful. And to say that with my home decor blog, this group has been one of the best for me in my journey. Gemma Bonham-Carter of The Sweetest Digs blog is the host of this group. Over the past few years she has taken it upon herself to help other DIY bloggers succeed. And she has done so with specialized courses and super practical tips for success. If you are also in the DIY, craft or home niches I highly suggest that you check this one out!



Tips on How to Find Your Own Niche Facebook Groups


1. Do a Facebook search for groups including your niche as the keyword

2. When connecting with other bloggers in your niche, ask them which groups have worked for them

3. Look for niche Facebook groups in (the appropriate) promotion threads in general blogging Facebook groups



Which Facebook groups are your favorite? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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